Voices in the air of those gone before sing
“ManalLapho” (stand your ground)
There’s nowhere to hide which side you stand on
“Mana lapho” (stand your ground)
The time is drawing near, can you hear
“Mana lapho” (stand your ground)
Mana lapho we ‘ndoda can you hear a long
Sung song of freedom?
Bana manga we ‘ndoda bathi iculo lethu sedifile (They tell lies oh man for they say our song of freedom is dead)
Mana lapho mana la
Mana lapho
Mana lapho mana hawu tiyo lolo
Mana nans’ indaba isho ngefreedom (Stand your ground for here is a matter and it speaks of freedom)
I am standing here - you are there
“Mana lapho”
In between lies there lies the truth of what is just
“Mana lapho”
In between lies there lies the truth of what is fair
“Mana lapho”