NANS IMPI (The Regiments Are Here)
Nans' impi zangena wematatazela
(here are the regiments, they are arriving, you who are agitated)
Nans' impi kwenzenjani mus' ukubaleka
(here are the regiments, what is the matter? - don't run away!)
Womogijima isilima salomfana man!
(run you idiot-boy)
Ihlab' ihlagene emahlanzeni
(the regiments stab only when they clash in the bush-country)
Mtshele uKhumalo izindaba zimbi
(tell Khumalo that matters are bad)
Izinkulumo zakhe zizosithela emaweni
(his talk will get us thrown off the cliffs)
Nakhuluma njalo wemadoda
(you are always talking you men)
Kodwa uma kunje sizothini na?
(but when it has come to this, what will we say?)
Nangu uKhumalo esethatatazela
(look at Khumala acting all flustered)
Ihlab' ihlangene emahlanzeni
(the regiments only stab when they clash in the bush-country)
Zithela emaweni zidedela webabhemu
(pour them over the cliffs, let them go)
Zivungazela izinyosi emahlanzeni
(the bees are buzzing in the bush-country)
E-ye hum-o, e-ye hum-o wololo ma