Webaba ungilahlile 'zulu ngasala obala
Webaba ungilahlile 'zulu ngasala obala Hawa!
Ntgasala ngedwa
Sengiphuphe inkunzi emnyama
Sengi phuphe inkunzi ngisaba amazondo, may ... .
Where did the time, time, time go?
My old eyes can hardly see The green fields leaving me Behind ....
I worked for the earth and turned the clay,
With a strong heart and steady hand,
Seasons wheeled across the sky,
I turned around and found That I was old ....
Trembling heart,
Body cold,
Wind and Rain
Take their toll,
Perhaps the morning brings A sweet surprise ....
A New summer will be born.
A new hope in the dawn,
A honey season, birds and bees,
Surging, humming harmonies,
The Old Ones gone before
Weep for those they left behind,
Their tears fall and rise and wash the earth, The heavens thunder everywhere,
When the Ancients dance upon the air, Armies march across the sky,
Who knows if they ever will return?
I dream of my coloured cattle in the hills, Of shields in fields of yellow and brown, The drums of Zimbabwe speak,
They roll across the great divide,
And my future has been
Written in the sky ....
Smiling spear with teeth of white,
Give me strength to face the night,
Ancient song, bless my life,
Sing me through to see the morning light ..